November 12, 2012

Hair Neglect

 I just got back to Brooklyn after an impromptu "vacation" in New Paltz. I had planned on staying for 3 days and ended up staying 8. Craziness. So while I was there, I had a great experience and I really enjoyed myself. I wish I could say the same about my hair.

I spent an entire week neglecting my hair. I wore the three strand twist out week until it looked old, which was 3 days into my trip. It coulda lasted longer but I decided that I wanted a big fro. So I combed out my curls with my fingers and braided up my hair. I did this for two days until I decided it was too much work lol. So I wore a big puff for the rest of the week. Did I wash my hair? No. Did I restyle my hair? No. So I basically had a huge, undefined puff that I was showing noooo love to. My poor hair. Smh. When I got home I detangled my hair with some conditioner, washed it and did a much needed DC. Now I'm trying to decide what I wanna do next. For the longest I've been saying that I wanna try mini twists again. Maybe that's my next move. Or maybe I'll do some flat twists. We'll see...

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