September 13, 2010


So my school decided to have a weird ass fall break during the first week of September. My sister and I both needed to escape the city so we decided to go to North Carolina for a week. I haven't seen my family in so long its a damn shame lol. But anyway, while we were there we didn't do too much. Just being away from the city was good enough for me. It's kinda sad that the whole time I was dreading coming back up north. I've come to a point where I don't want to be home but I don't want to be at school. I don't know what it is but nothing seems to excite me right now. Its like my life is lacking color. Everything is dull and excitement. Of course I could change that if I wanted to but I've somehow become complacent with my continual state of contentment. That's what I'm living in right now - I'm not happy, sad, or angry...just content. And somewhat hopeful. Things can't last this way for too long. Let's hope.

Oh how I wish I was sitting on a sunny beach right now...

Oh how nice that would be...

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