October 25, 2013

My First Flexi Rod Set :)


I recently ordered a few things from Darcy's Botanicals and figured I'd try em out with my new flexi-rods.

First off, I just need to say how yummy all the products smell! The Curl Styling Leave In Cream smells like butter cream frosting, the Curling Cream Gel  smells like Skittles and the Sweet Cocoa Bean Curl Smoothing Cream smells like hot chocolate, yum :). For my flex-rod set I decided to just go with the leave in and gel with some coconut oil. I used 36 11/16 inch rods and I think it took me about an hour to set my hair. I slept with the rods and took down my hair the next day. Here's my results: 

Pretty decent, right? The hold was good, my hair was soft and I had some shine, which I looove. I used a bit too much oil but other than that I think my hair came out really good. I'm gonna enjoy using these products :)

As far as how long the set lasted...I don't know how long it could've lasted because after two days I combed out my curls and twisted my hair for a very nice twistout. Pictures? Nahh you'll just have to take my word for it lol.


I've since used all three products for multiple things and I am sold! The Smoothing Cream is great on dry hair and I even had a pretty good rollerset with it. I've used the gel on wet and dry braidouts and I like that it has a hold but it isn't crunchy. I've read reviews where people said the hold was too hard but I haven't experienced that at all. I guess its best used when layered with other products. I also like that after a while I was lazy, didn't wash my hair but kept on using the products without crazy buildup.

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