May 17, 2012

Dry Braidout Gorgeousness :)

After Tuesday's hair fail, that night I decided to braid up my hair for Wednesday. While I was in my friend's room I used some of her blue Dax Pomade to braid my hair (yes, I used some old school hair grease lol). I just used a tiny bit, mostly for my ends. When I started braiding I found myself making much smaller braids than usual. So I ended up with probably 20 something braids instead of my usual 10. When I woke up the next day I separated my braids and well, that's it! Since I did so many braids, there was no need to  separate the pieces and my hair laid pretty nicely. It was big and fluffy with pretty nice definition. The only issue I had was that the front of my hair doesn't ever seem to like to take form like the rest of my hair. But I just brushed it off and walked around with slightly defined hair in the front. Oh well, I was cute anyway lol

I still don't know what I'm doing for graduation though...

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